Membership Application

What you will need

  • Personal details
  • Business details

Already been here before?

Email is required

Before we begin

Applicant/Employer Details

Organisation name is required
First name of applicant is required
Family name of applicant is required
Same as day telephone?
Mobile no. is required
Business address is required
Business email address is required

Business details

Reference: Tick the box for yes, leave the box blank for no.

* Upload any certificate you have - click other to upload a non-specified certificate

Accepted file types: png, jpg, jpeg, docx, xlsx, pdf
Invalid file extensionFile size is too big
Accepted file types: png, jpg, jpeg, docx, xlsx, pdf
Invalid file extensionFile size is too big
Accepted file types: png, jpg, jpeg, docx, xlsx, pdf
Invalid file extensionFile size is too big

* Upload any certificate you have - click other to upload a non-specified certificate

Accepted file types: png, jpg, jpeg, docx, xlsx, pdf
Invalid file extensionFile size is too big

*If not, please contact the IRD to receive your tax status letter of compliance.

Accepted file types: png, jpg, jpeg, docx, xlsx, pdf
Invalid file extensionFile size is too big

Business details (continued)

Regions of operation

The next section of the form will have to be filled out for every region your business operates in. If you don't have the details with you, you can always save and continue filling out this form later. Please click to confirm the regions of operation so you can continue with this application.

Which regions do your business operate in? is required

* No regions selected

Please enter the hectares managed for the crops that you work with. Where not applicable, leave blank.

Do you offer transport to seasonal workers?

Do you offer accommodation to seasonal workers?

Industry Standards

Accepted file types: png, jpg, jpeg, docx, xlsx, pdf
Invalid file extensionFile size is too big

Application Completed!

Now, time to review your application submission (you can go back without losing data).

Once you're ready to submit, hit apply.

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